Sunday, February 24, 2008

"quien no riska no gana"

translation of the quote above is if you dont risk you cant win.
earlier today i ended up losing 1300 playing 500 nl (5-10blinds)so i went down to the gym to take some of my frustration out on the weight room. came home relax for a bit then headed down to commerce to play some 40/80. my Table was a donkfest! Seriously you would not believe how bad these players were. calling 3bets or cap pots cold with j-8 k-10 off suit. Crazy shit like that.. the good and bad things about these tables are that your win rate is going to be higher, but your variance is going to be higher then normal as well. I was playing very well and lost a few key pots that were easily over 1500 on the river. i was stuck within a hr and half 3k... am not going to lie and say i wasn't steaming, but i felt like if the table didnt break ill be able to get my money back and more.. but the donkies who were playing at my table jump into a 60/120 game.. you have to keep in my mind that i never played the 60 game before. the swings in that game are enormous. you could easily win or lose 4-6k a session. i only had a other 2k in my pocket and couldn't resist. I normally never play higher stakes when am stuck, but i wasn't moving to a bigger game to get my money back (okay maybe that was part of a reason). i was moving up because the game was going to be to good to pass up..

to make a long story short and i ended up making 8k in profit in the 60/120 game. but once you cant my losses from the no limit game and the 40/80limit game i only ended up making 3800 for the day.. but after everything i went through today ill take it..

alright fellas still think being a poker pro is easy?


The Hero said...
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The Hero said...

Glad to hear you made the comeback!

vtn said...

solid win. you gotta do some proofreading tho hah

player4life said...

am a professional poker player NOT a English teacher!

vtn said...

i guess that makes 2 solid comebacks lol